Faculty of Aerospace and Strategic Studies (FASS) - Introduction
The discipline of Strategic Studies (SS) is a subset of International Relations (IR) and Political Strategy. Strategy concerns itself with the use of elements of power as an instrument of policy to achieve as well as to protect a nation’s geo-political, economic, social and interests. It is the plan of action for utilizing the capacity to coerce and influence- in conjunction with political, economic, diplomatic, military, social and psychological instruments of power- to achieve intended outcomes.
The Department of Strategic Studies at Faculty of Aerospace and Strategic Studies (FASS) offers BS IR, BS SS, MS SS, and PhD SS. Bachelor of Science in International Relations (BS-IR) is a 4-year degree program comprising 8 semesters. The Discipline of International Relations is a multidimensional program of study, which examines the relationship between state actors in the international system and the history, processes, influences, interests, concerns, etc. that govern the relationship between them. It seeks to equip the student with an understanding of how the various elements that constitute an international system function and behave and aims to lay the foundation for both historical introspection and political analysis.
Bachelor of Science in Strategic Studies (BS- SS) is a 4- year degree program comprising 8 semesters. This interdisciplinary program combines elements of international relations, strategic studies and military studies to provide a comprehensive education in the field of strategic studies.
Masters of Science in Strategic Studies (MS-SS). The MS-SS is for fresh undergraduate students, officers of the Pakistan Air Force and other services, the Intelligence/Security community, and civil servants. It offers advanced courses on strategic studies, along with research opportunities across the spectrum of contemporary strategic issues. Learning and research at DSS is accomplished by a highly qualified faculty which has both academic and practitioner’s experience. Students of MS-SS will be able to learn the discipline’s theory, engage in its discourse, and conduct academic research.
Doctor of Philosophy in Strategic Studies (PhD SS) program is designed for those who aspire to contribute original research to the field. Our doctoral candidates work closely with distinguished faculty members on cutting-edge research projects. PhD students are to complete 18 credit hours of course work as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the PhD degree.